Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Initial Backyard Plan

The Initial Design Sketch
Okay, I have made my plan for my backyard edible oasis as my first step toward transitioning to living locally and organically.  The layout was inspired by some lovely pictures in The Edible Garden, a fabulous British magazine full of pictures of gardens in the United Kingdom, many of which are located in very small spaces and include plants that prefer cooler, cloudy climates.  (I have often been gravely disappointed to find out a said “urban homestead” is, in reality, a suburban homestead, and the owners have a much larger plot to work with than I.  I say this knowing full well that my urban plot is much larger than many urban dwellers, for which I am utterly thankful.)   

My first draft drawings include a small greenhouse, a small fish pond/water garden, a small shed, a doghouse, a sandbox, compost bins, a fire pit, space for a table and benches, 15 small garden beds, a fruit tree, and several paths for getting about.  My family and friends again say, ”This is rather ambitious.”  “Ambitious?”  say I, “It is only the backyard!”  Next step: measurements of the backyard to see if the plan I have dreamed up will fit.   I’ve had to enlist some help on the measurements because I am currently away in Scotland until the end of May, which has been and continues to be a wonderful time to slow down and actually plan a bit for this journey into living local on less.  My parents have agreed to measure my yard for me.  Aren’t they wonderful?  I'll let you know early next week if my sketch will actually fit into the space once the measurements are brought into consideration...

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